Becomean MVNO and your own
mobile service.


As an MVNA/E, Telecall offers you the opportunity to become your very own cellphone provider by utilizing our infrastructure and the network of other telecoms. 

We have the expertise and infrastructure to enable your company to become an MVNO and sell your own branded SIM card while we handle all the setup and operation requirements. 

Telecall Numbers

mais de 30 operadoras lançadas

Over 30 MVNOs launched

Milhares de clientes conectados

Thousands of connected customers

Clientes em todo território nacional

Customers throughout Brazil

Nossas operadoras têm alto índice de satisfação do cliente

Our MVNOs have high customer satisfaction rates


Maior e melhor cobertura nacional (rede Vivo).

Best and largest national coverage in Brazil (Vivo).

Infraestrutura própria, redundante e virtualizada com escalabilidade e resiliência.

Proprietary virtualized and redundant infrastructure with scalability and resilience.

Plataforma white-label ágil, simples e flexível.

Agile, easy-to-use and flexible white-label platform

Ofertas 100_ customizáveis.

100% customizable offers.

Portal self-care para administração de sua base de clientes móveis.

Self-care portal for administration of your mobile Customer base.

Dashboard de acompanhamento de crescimento e perfil.

Intuititive dashboard to track growth and client profiles.

APIs próprias para integração de aplicativo e portal web para gestão de serviços.

Proprietary APIs for app integration and web portal for service management.

Suporte especializado durante todo o processo.

Specialized support throughout the entire process.

Chip customizado com a sua marca.

Customized SIM card with your brand.

Some of our customers​

simcard fluke
simcard allrede
simcard Telia
simcard tri
simcard conex
simcard iot
simcard global
simcard glfibra
simcard brphonia
simcard links fielo
simcard brsul
simcard ultra
simcard oquei
simcard 1cel
simcard leftphone
simcard sistel
simcard nomo
simcard virtueyes
simcard vmax
SIM card federal

Become na MVNO and diversify your portfolio, increase your sales and improve your customer relationship and loyalty.

What to know more? Talk with our specialists

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