Dark Fiber and Ducts

Leasing of dark fiber and ducts
between two points.

Dark Fiber and Ducts

Private leasing of dark fiber and ducts between two points for companies that have high demand for data traffic and a high-capacity and  high velocity.

This solution does not contemplate link management by Telecall, and the customer is responsible for all circuit configuration and router installation.

Features & Benefits

ícone capilaridade


Extensive network Infrastructure in the region.

ícone time-to-market


Better service time for your customers.

ícone altas taxas de transmissão

High Transmission Rates

Ultra-high speed data traffic, over 160 Gbit/s.

ícone fibras monomodo

Singlemode Fibers

Make it possible to use it over longer and unlimited distances.

ícone rede de dutos


Wide network of fiber optic passageways with easy switch boxes.

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